Sunday, July 11, 2010

Exam on Tuesday... (July 13, 2010)

Whew... It's been a very busy week... I just had an exam on of my majors yesterday...
(Those exams are kinda killing me... Geez..) /XP

Well anyways... Today's a great day.. I had time to see you guys again...
Alles Bestens! :D

Hmmm... I need to update many things today.. Starting with the lessons that I missed to share with you guys... For the past few weeks,.. We've been learning about genders of different words.. (Yup! All things have genders in German..) I really can't believe that even the table has gender.. You can now call it "der Tisch" for it is male. Haha..

So far we've been learning different things in the classroom and even inside the comfort room.. (Imagine talking about these things and dealing with their gender.. Totally weird.. Hahaha...) Hmm.. We also talked about "Nomen im Plural, unbestimmte Artikel und Verneinung.." (Woot.. That's a lot of words to memorize.. More of to memorize.. Hehe...)

As a preparation for our exam on Tuesday.. I've done a few things... I downloaded different tutorials over the internet so that I could practice the things that I learned... (If you want a copy, just leave a comment.. >:) ) I also searched for videos in Youtube for a few tutorials.. (And Thanks Dana... For that wonderful video that you uploaded in the forums.. Danke Schön! ) Here's one of the videos...

Hmm.. That's all for now.. I need to study.. Haha.. I'll just write an update after the midterms.. Hehe..
Gonna get "der Kuli" and start reviewing for my exams... Haha.. Reinhauen! :)

1 comment:

  1. She has a strangely blank expression for most of the video, no? Haha.
