Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday! ^_^

Der ersten Juli...

Whew... It's 10:24 AM and now I'm done with my German Class... Haha.. What a really nice day.. We had a math quiz bee today and all of my classmates were so competitive especially Philterr and Kara... Sorry if wrong spelling.. (^_^)v The game was a good one.. ( I just dunno who won.. Is it the winners or the champions? hehe.. ) Kudos to the winners! =D> 

I have a few things up for today...
  • I now know how to say my birthday in German.. haha.. See if you guys can figure it out... 
    • Ich habe am einundzwanzigsten Januar Geburtstag...
    • Ich wurde am neunzehnhundert einundneunzig gebören...
    • Wann hast du Gerburtstag?
  • Now let's sing the happy birthday song auf Deutsch!
**Happy Birthday Tune**
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück
Zum Geburtstag liebe/lieber  
Zum Geburtsag viel Glück!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!

Weee! That's all for now.. I think I am gonna be late.. Gotta go.. Whew.. 

Comics auf Deutsch...


Hi Guys.. It's me again...
It's been a dreadful week.. At least I had time today to look at my portfolio/blog... Haha..Good luck in next coming days.. I'll be having nightmares every week.. We would have exams every week for the rest of the semester.. (Imagine.. That is until October!!!.. Whew..)
So bear with me... /please

Hmmm.. So what have we here... Ja! We had a very interesting activity in class.. And sadly, I just finished making it today.. Haha... It took me a lot of time.. Nyahaha.. But anyways, it turned out well.. It think.. Haha..(Thanks to Dana of course... She's my partner... In crime.. :D)

Unfortunately, I had no time to change the image to a higher resolution... Haha... And I had a very slow internet so  decided to use this image... Again.. Bear with me... Haha...

The Pink dialog boxes are for Thought bubbles... and the Orange dialog boxes are for Talking..
Meaning, the characters in our comics does not only talk but also think! hahaha...Nah... /nobigdeal

So here it is...

Comics auf Deutsch

Well Good luck in reading this... If you can... Hahaha >:)
Just click here for the link of the pic... :)

By the way...
I saw a table tennis tournament on TV earlier..
It was not live but I felt like cheering...
At least I won over my roommate who's cheering for China... /wahaha

Next time, I would be making another comics.. Hahaha...
Geez... That's all for now...

Friday, June 18, 2010


Hi Guys! I'm back! /hihi
After a few days of fixing my Sun Wireless Broadband... 
Gives me one heck of a pain really... :|

Hooray for my new Blog! Clap! Clap! 
As you can see, I have already transferred the entries of my previous blog site.. Yey!

There are a few things that I considered when making this new site... (Well actually, I made a blog prior to this one but I hate it. You won't even have a chance to edit its CSS without paying them... Hmmmf... That's why I switched to /wahaha )

You probably notice the site url.. Heinkelhe...  But why use Heinkelhe? 
Actually it is the Heinkel He Series. Heinkel He 178 is one of my favorite. It is the world's first aircraft to fly under turbojet power. So basically, it is the first JET Plane.. It is made by Hans von Ohain, a Deutsch Ingenieur (engineer). This plane is used by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) during the  World War II. Simply Ingenious.. That's Germany for you.. Haha.. If you wanna know more about the Heinkel He 178 and other German Aircraft, visit this wiki link here..

A picture of the Heinkel He 178...

Did you guys notice the Blog title? Düsenflieger...  The Heinkel He is a kind of Düsenflieger.. I bet you now know what Düsenflieger means. Ja! It is a German term for Jet Plane... Haha... (Well, the Heinkel He is a fighter plane and not an ordinary Jet Plane... :D)

And Lastly... My Background Image... Can you guess who it is?... I guess not.. He's not that known.. But based on the drawing, he looks much like..... Richtig! That's it! Sonic the Hedgehog!.. Actually, that is Jet the Hawk... He's the leader of the Babylon Rogues and one of Sonic's rivals... Haha :) He's often called the "Legendary Wind Master" because of his Extreme Gear... Hmmm... Well, my zodiac sign is Aquarius, the water bearer but with a wind element.. Haha.. It could be parallel to Jet the Hawk... And he's also cool! Like me... haha.. :)

Well that's it. I already gave you guys a few trivia of myself... haha... (Plus the reason why I really love this new site.. :D) But the real reason why I really love my new site is because it is..........     Clue: The entry title says it all.. Haha.. :)

/no I hate to say this but... Goodbye for now... Have a happy weekend! Tschüss!  /bye

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Advanced Lessons in German

Wow.. I really studied German in advance. A friend of mine (Pate.. Thanks to her.. Clap! Clap!) taught MJ and me last Tuesday about some basic rules in reading and writing Deutsch. (Well actually, we had no lesson yet for two days so we are just eager to know different German words.)
  1. In writing German, all nouns are capitalized. Yup! Weird enough. Even in the middle of the sentence, all nouns even only common nouns are capitalized.
  2. In speaking. “V” is pronounced as “F” and “W” is pronounced as “V”.. (But “F” is not pronounced as “W”.. Haha.. It’s not even a cycle.. ^_^) So a good example is Volkswagen pronounced as “Folksvagen.”
  3. There are two umlauts that I learned that day. One is “ü” pronounced as “UE” and the other is “ö” pronounced as “OE.” (BTW, you can use ALT+148 for "ö" and ALT+129 for "ü")
  4. Also in speaking, “Z” is pronounced as “TS” and “SCH” is pronounced as “SH.”
  5. The letter “R” is always pronounced as a schwa if preceded by “E” and “I” and pronounced as “Bad Romance” if preceded by “A”, “O” and “U.” You’ll get it if you know the song. Haha…

I really had a good time with that conversation… I felt that I have a severe malfunction in speaking because I had to repeat saying “OE” and “UE” many times before I get it correctly.. Haha… I really enjoyed learning a new language especially when we studied about numbers.. (The next thing I did is count all of the things around me in German, even all of the people in EEE VLC… ~ Very Large Classroom, odd name for a room really...) Haha.. That really made my day especially that our teacher did not show up..^_^ He’s in Germany at that time by the way… Maybe I’ll talk to him in German when he comes back.. Haha..

My First Blog Entry

Guten Morgen! Wow.. This is my first time in years since I wrote another entry of my blog. Actually, we are only required to do so. Haha.. But anyways, I’m still glad that I could write another entry. Did anyone notice how I did start my blog entry? Yup! That’s German or Deutsch! (Or should I say Ja?.. Hehe…)  Well, I think I should tell you the story how these all started.

In our German 10/11 class, we are asked to make a Language Learning Portfolio. It doesn’t have to be the bulky portfolio I used to have when I was in high school.. (By the way, I would upload some pics of it in the near future. Those are ancient.. Haha..) Hmm.. About this portfolio.. I decided to make a blog about it. I don’t like carrying a bulky sketch pad at school for a portfolio. (But I actually miss those sleepless nights designing my Filipino Portfolio back in high school.. haha.. ) I think that making a blog would really be helpful in learning a new language. This could be a way for me to practice German even without a language partner. (That’s cool right? Like talking to myself? Haha.. Nah… ) But seriously, it really does help. This is how I practiced English back then. (Actually not with a blog but with a diary.. I also consider this a diary, an online diary..) Since I am reminiscing the past of how I studied the English language, I’d like to give you guys a background of myself as a language speaker…

As a language speaker, I think I am fairly doing well. Based on the three languages I am able to speak plus a dialect that my grandmother has taught me, I was able to learn talking/writing a new language even for just a short time. (Yup! What a talented kid.. Clap! Clap!.. Nah.. Just joking.. ^_^) Well, those are not hard really, except for French. I studied French back in Fourth Year high school but that was just a little. Our French class was abolished since our school lacks teachers so I decided to study it during a tutorial. That only lasted for a few sessions so I think that I don’t know French that well. Hmm.. Well of course as a student, I had also strengths and weaknesses. I am able to learn a new language easily by just listening but if I don’t practice it outside the classroom, it won’t stay stuck up in my head for a long time. Haha.. I have a problem in my short time memory. Not really a disease but this works when I am studying for an exam or memorizing for a piece due a little hours later.. (Haha.. Crammer..)  Of course, I have to make a lot of effort if I would like to learn a new language. I had to practice it by writing essays, blog entries and the likes. I also need a language partner to practice with.. (Actually I have.. I make sure that everytime I go back to our boarding house, I speak to my roommates first in German then in Filipino or English. (Well I also speak to them Japanese, French, Korean etc. but just for a few words actually.. haha.. ) Hmmm.. I could actually use some help and thank God I have a friend who is enrolled in our class. Her name is MJ. She would be my language partner for the rest of this semester.. ( haha.. Bad for her because I am so persistent.. Or is it really that good? Haha.. Just don’t tell this blog to her.. Shhh… ^_^) Well I think that’s it… I’ll tell you more of my adventures in our language class for the days to come… (Haha.. Adventures.. It supposed to be adventures because of my teacher. I think she’s that cool.. She supposed to be.. Ops.. Expectations… Haha..) Then I shall see you again mate.. Tschüss!