Saturday, June 12, 2010

My First Blog Entry

Guten Morgen! Wow.. This is my first time in years since I wrote another entry of my blog. Actually, we are only required to do so. Haha.. But anyways, I’m still glad that I could write another entry. Did anyone notice how I did start my blog entry? Yup! That’s German or Deutsch! (Or should I say Ja?.. Hehe…)  Well, I think I should tell you the story how these all started.

In our German 10/11 class, we are asked to make a Language Learning Portfolio. It doesn’t have to be the bulky portfolio I used to have when I was in high school.. (By the way, I would upload some pics of it in the near future. Those are ancient.. Haha..) Hmm.. About this portfolio.. I decided to make a blog about it. I don’t like carrying a bulky sketch pad at school for a portfolio. (But I actually miss those sleepless nights designing my Filipino Portfolio back in high school.. haha.. ) I think that making a blog would really be helpful in learning a new language. This could be a way for me to practice German even without a language partner. (That’s cool right? Like talking to myself? Haha.. Nah… ) But seriously, it really does help. This is how I practiced English back then. (Actually not with a blog but with a diary.. I also consider this a diary, an online diary..) Since I am reminiscing the past of how I studied the English language, I’d like to give you guys a background of myself as a language speaker…

As a language speaker, I think I am fairly doing well. Based on the three languages I am able to speak plus a dialect that my grandmother has taught me, I was able to learn talking/writing a new language even for just a short time. (Yup! What a talented kid.. Clap! Clap!.. Nah.. Just joking.. ^_^) Well, those are not hard really, except for French. I studied French back in Fourth Year high school but that was just a little. Our French class was abolished since our school lacks teachers so I decided to study it during a tutorial. That only lasted for a few sessions so I think that I don’t know French that well. Hmm.. Well of course as a student, I had also strengths and weaknesses. I am able to learn a new language easily by just listening but if I don’t practice it outside the classroom, it won’t stay stuck up in my head for a long time. Haha.. I have a problem in my short time memory. Not really a disease but this works when I am studying for an exam or memorizing for a piece due a little hours later.. (Haha.. Crammer..)  Of course, I have to make a lot of effort if I would like to learn a new language. I had to practice it by writing essays, blog entries and the likes. I also need a language partner to practice with.. (Actually I have.. I make sure that everytime I go back to our boarding house, I speak to my roommates first in German then in Filipino or English. (Well I also speak to them Japanese, French, Korean etc. but just for a few words actually.. haha.. ) Hmmm.. I could actually use some help and thank God I have a friend who is enrolled in our class. Her name is MJ. She would be my language partner for the rest of this semester.. ( haha.. Bad for her because I am so persistent.. Or is it really that good? Haha.. Just don’t tell this blog to her.. Shhh… ^_^) Well I think that’s it… I’ll tell you more of my adventures in our language class for the days to come… (Haha.. Adventures.. It supposed to be adventures because of my teacher. I think she’s that cool.. She supposed to be.. Ops.. Expectations… Haha..) Then I shall see you again mate.. Tschüss!

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