Friday, June 18, 2010


Hi Guys! I'm back! /hihi
After a few days of fixing my Sun Wireless Broadband... 
Gives me one heck of a pain really... :|

Hooray for my new Blog! Clap! Clap! 
As you can see, I have already transferred the entries of my previous blog site.. Yey!

There are a few things that I considered when making this new site... (Well actually, I made a blog prior to this one but I hate it. You won't even have a chance to edit its CSS without paying them... Hmmmf... That's why I switched to /wahaha )

You probably notice the site url.. Heinkelhe...  But why use Heinkelhe? 
Actually it is the Heinkel He Series. Heinkel He 178 is one of my favorite. It is the world's first aircraft to fly under turbojet power. So basically, it is the first JET Plane.. It is made by Hans von Ohain, a Deutsch Ingenieur (engineer). This plane is used by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) during the  World War II. Simply Ingenious.. That's Germany for you.. Haha.. If you wanna know more about the Heinkel He 178 and other German Aircraft, visit this wiki link here..

A picture of the Heinkel He 178...

Did you guys notice the Blog title? Düsenflieger...  The Heinkel He is a kind of Düsenflieger.. I bet you now know what Düsenflieger means. Ja! It is a German term for Jet Plane... Haha... (Well, the Heinkel He is a fighter plane and not an ordinary Jet Plane... :D)

And Lastly... My Background Image... Can you guess who it is?... I guess not.. He's not that known.. But based on the drawing, he looks much like..... Richtig! That's it! Sonic the Hedgehog!.. Actually, that is Jet the Hawk... He's the leader of the Babylon Rogues and one of Sonic's rivals... Haha :) He's often called the "Legendary Wind Master" because of his Extreme Gear... Hmmm... Well, my zodiac sign is Aquarius, the water bearer but with a wind element.. Haha.. It could be parallel to Jet the Hawk... And he's also cool! Like me... haha.. :)

Well that's it. I already gave you guys a few trivia of myself... haha... (Plus the reason why I really love this new site.. :D) But the real reason why I really love my new site is because it is..........     Clue: The entry title says it all.. Haha.. :)

/no I hate to say this but... Goodbye for now... Have a happy weekend! Tschüss!  /bye

1 comment:

  1. Grün indeed! I see you're having a lot of fun with your portfolio. Bismorgen!
